My Universe

Mens Insana in Corpore Ignavo

Pythonic Distance Conversion


When dealing with distances or lengths, it’s a common problem to convert values between all the different units available out there. Of course, converting itself is a less than complicated simple floating point division or multiplication, depending on how values and conversion factors are stored internally. However, maintaining conversion factors all across a project is a tedious task, and Python has some good means at hand to simplify our life.

Before entering into implementation details, let’s have a look at some general rules that make life easier when dealing with distances or lengths (or any other unit of measurement). First, it’s a good idea to align on one single reference unit. All values will be stored in this unit, and all computations are done using this unit. Any other unit will be treated as input/output filter. Second, it’s also a very good idea to use SI units for that purpose. No, that’s not another rant about why the metric system is superior to the imperial system, but SI units generally have well-defined conversions to any other unit system. Example: common imperial units such as inch, foot, yard and mile have a standard definition based on the SI unit metre (broad hint: use metre as base unit when doing length calculations).

Finally, when dealing with conversion, it would be nice (and very pythonic) to not have the poor guy implementing stuff on your API call convert routines for any operation. Instead, providing result objects offering the result in any conversion available is a much nicer way of implementing API-transparent conversion.

A basic class representing a distance could look like this:

 1class Distance(object):
 3    def __init__(self, value=0.0):
 4        self._distance = float(value)
 6    @property
 7    def raw(self):
 8        return self._distance
10    @raw.setter
11    def raw(self, value):
12        self._distance = float(value)

All very fine, but right now, this class is not yet an improvement: its objects cannot be used in arithmetic expressions, and there’s no conversion between units either. On top of that, its representation in a shell is as speaking as <Distance object at 0x108479f60>. Not very impressive, I know — but let’s fix those issues one by one.

First, we want a decent representation making it easier to play with the class in an interactive Python interpreter. That can be achieved by adding a __repr__ method. In our case this can be as simple as this:

1def __repr__(self):
2    return str(self._distance)

The next fundamental problem we want to fix: trying to cast a Distance object into a numeric data type will raise a TypeError exception. This can be easily fixed by adding cast methods to our class:

1def __float__(self):
2    return self._distance
4def __int__(self):
5    return int(self._distance)

Now we know we can cast a Distance object into a float value, we can tackle the problem of arithmetic expressions. To avoid too much lengthy code right here, I will just demonstrate this for the addition. Python allows us to implement arithmetic operations in way that allow even mixing Distance objects with other numeric objects (i. e. integers or floating point numbers) or any other object as long as it can be cast into a floating point number:

1def __add__(self, other):
2    return Distance(self._dist + float(other))
4def __radd__(self, other):
5    return Distance(self._dist + float(other))

Implementing both methods, __add__ and __radd__ is necessary to ensure addition works also with non-Distance operands being put in the first place. This post on StackOverflow by Martijn Pieters offers a good explanation of the How and Why.

Implementing rich comparison operators (<, >, ==, <=, >=, !=) works along the same lines, just that there are no explicit reflected implementations (instead, the opposite operator is used as reflected implementation, e. g. < is the reflected operator to >=, and == pairs with !=). I will not waste time and space here to replicate what’s already written in the Python documentation on that subject.

Wait, so far we managed to produce a class that more or less does the same as any trivial float? Indeed, you’re right about that, but there was a requirement about converting distances into different units, wasn’t it? That would really set our class apart from what a standard float value could do.

Now, the first thing any programmer would consider is adding properties to the class, managing the conversion of units. Example:

2def in_yards(self):
3    return self._distance / 0.9144
6def in_yards(self, value):
7    self._distance = float(value) * 0.9144

This way, in_yards becomes a writeable property that automatically converts back and forth, so the internal representation remains in metres. Pretty cool, eh? But to my reckoning, this is ugly to maintain:

  • You need a getter and setter method for each conversion you want to offer, which bloats your code
  • Having numeric constants scattered all across the code is a no-no as well
  • This approach hurts the DRY paradigm (“don’t repeat yourself”)

From a code maintenance and transparency point of view, it would be much better to centrally maintain a list of units and their conversion rules, and have our Distance class learn them dynamically. Fostering a modular design, we keep the list of units and the conversion itself well out of our Distance class (so you could use them in any other class as well).

The following code goes outside of the Distance class definition!

 1import math
 3factors = {
 4    'mm': 0.001,
 5    'cm': 0.01,
 6    'in': 0.0254,
 7    'dm': 0.1,
 8    'ft': 0.3048,
 9    'yd': 0.9144,
10    'm':  1.0,
11    'km': 1000.0,
12    'mi': 1609.344,
13    'nm': 1852.0,
14    'gm': 1855.3248,
15    'ls': 299792458.0,
16    'au': 149597870700.0,
17    'ly': 9460730472580800.0,
18    'pc': (648000.0 / math.pi) * 149597870700.0,
21available = set(factors.keys())
23def convert(value, from_unit, to_unit):
24    assert {from_unit, to_unit} <= available
25    return value * factors[from_unit] / factors[to_unit]

Yes, that’s the way the IAU defines one parsec

I put all that in a separate module, hence I set the available reference for convenience when using the module from outside. I consciously chose a set over tuple or list, as it permits checking for subsets (i. e. it is possible to test multiple units in one statement, as demonstrated in the convert implementation).

Now coming back to the Distance class. As already shown before, properties would make a nice way to have conversion implemented. This would allow to get and set the distance value in any unit, probably looking like this:

1>>> d = Distance(100)
2>>> d.in_ft
4>>> d.in_yd = 200
5>>> d

To spare us the pain of maintaining a gazillion property getter and setter methods for this purpose, we can abuse the fact that in Python it’s quite easy to hack around the implementation of new-style classes. Thus, we just have to implement a custom method adding properties to the class at runtime:

 1def __set(self, value, unit):
 2    self._distance = convert(value, unit, 'm')
 4def __add_property(self, name, value, doc=None):
 5    setattr(
 6        self.__class__, 'in_' + name, property(
 7            fget=lambda self: convert(self._distance, 'm', name),
 8            fset=lambda self, value: self.__set(value, name),
 9            doc=doc
10        )
11    )

Since assignments are not allowed in lambda statements, I use an auxiliary __set() method which does the conversion and assigns the result to the internal instance variable representing the distance value.

Finally, __init__ needs to actually create all the properties. This can be done in a simple loop:

1_distance = 0.0
3def __init__(self, value=0.0, unit='m'):
4    self.__set(value, unit)
5    for i in available:
6        self.__add_property(i, convert(value, unit, i))

Since __init__ does no longer explicitly define _distance, it’s good style to set _distance as instance variable already at class level. Otherwise you will get warnings from different lint tools.

That’s it already — with those elements, a Distance class fulfils all our requirements set at the beginning:

  • its instances behave (almost) like regular numeric data types (float, int)
  • an instance’s value can be easily retrieved in any unit conversion
  • conversions are easy to maintain (Python dictionary)

The full implementation with all the bells and whistles is available as GitHub Gist (note how most of the code is actually dedicated to giving the class a predictable “numeric” behaviour).